Gimli Express Weekly News
Research and support: AdCanada Media Inc. (
Bookings and material: AdCanada Media Inc. (
distribution footprint audit details

footprint details
total population: 29,258
total dwellings: 17,524
audit date: 2022/02/18
audit basis: Publisher Sworn-Free
paid circulation:0
controlled circulation:10,424
total circulation:10,424
communities (Top 22)
Gimli 2,000
Arborg 1,450
Winnipeg Beach 780
Ashern 715
Riverton 625
Lundar 600
Fisher Branch 530
Eriksdale 450
Arnes 345
Moosehorn 315
Hodgson 250
Matlock 240
Sandy Hook 240
Camp Morton 225
St. Martin 200
Fraserwood 162
Komarno 150
Fairford 125
Gypsumville 100
Oak Point 100
Poplarfield 100
Steep Rock 60