Dauphin Herald*
Research and support: AdCanada Media Inc. (info@adcanadamedia.ca)
Bookings and material: AdCanada Media Inc. (bookings@adcanadamedia.ca)
distribution footprint audit details

footprint details
total population: 16,986
total dwellings: 8,424
audit date: 2024/04/11
audit basis: Publisher Sworn-Paid
paid circulation:2,235
controlled circulation:87
total circulation:2,399
communities (Top 22)
Dauphin 1,321
Gilbert Plains 899
Ste Rose 126
Winnipegosis 79
Grandview 70
Rorketon 43
Ethelbert 35
Ochre River 35
Ashville 32
Fork River 31
Sifton 30
Roblin 21
Laurier 20
McCreary 19
Swan River 14
Pine River 11
Waterhen 9
Garland 8
Onanole 6
Crane River 5
Makinak 5
Meadow Portage 5