Flagstaff County & Sedgewick Community Press*
Research and support: AdCanada Media Inc. (info@adcanadamedia.ca)
Bookings and material: AdCanada Media Inc. (bookings@adcanadamedia.ca)
distribution footprint audit details

footprint details
total population: 9,182
total dwellings: 4,399
audit date: 2024/04/29
audit basis: Publisher Sworn-Paid
paid circulation:2,242
controlled circulation:200
total circulation:2,442
communities (Top 22)
Killam 405
Sedgewick 275
Hughenden 205
Forestburg 190
Daysland 187
Hardisty 164
Camrose 150
Amisk 105
Lougheed 100
Viking 80
Strome 76
Czar 70
Alliance 65
Heisler 60
Bawlf 55
Galahad 55